Title: JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action Genre: Action – Adventure – Sandbox Works on: Windows (7, 10, 11) Release date: September 8, 2022 Company: Samurai Punk / tinyBuild

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JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action (c) Samurai Punk / tinyBuild In JUSTICE SUCKS, you play as Dusty, a killer robot vacuum on a quest for vengeance.When burglars break into the McClean home, Dusty must go rogue to protect his family. Unfortunately, his heroic actions attract the attention of FamilyCorp, and a fight with the warranty squad sends Dusty flying into the living room TV.Waking up in the TV dimension, Dusty must hack, hide and suck his way to freedom. Join forces with your fighting spirit, Sexy McClean, and develop deadly abilities to help him defeat FamilyCorp and save his family! More info here: https://www.gog.com/game/justice_sucks_tactical_vacuum_action How to Easily Download & Install

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Size: 1.03 GiB JUSTICE SUCKS: Tactical Vacuum Action (1.0.8) [GOG]

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